Tough week - 5th to the 12th April - with a pile of hailstones and snow dumped into the lake the second night we were there. odd fish showed (some lumps) as the week went on and temp crept up slowly. Sid managed 4 fish biggest going 39lb, two of his fish down to stalking. Paul & John worked together to trick a 47plus Mirror into making an appearance, then they had a 26lb plus common to bring them up to 2. I had 5 fish for the week one 26lb'er and the rest in the 30's. Tony, Robbie & Martin blanked apart from some monster Bream, but fair play to them they kept their spirits high and threw everything at it, right up to the wire. Beautiful 20 acres set in woodland, bays, islands, the works. fish were pristine & Paul (co-owner) will only venture info when asked, prefering to leave the anglers to work it out for themselves, drive & survive water that is well worth a look. I enjoyed the trip and the company. cheers lads. GG.